ויקח האיש נזם זהב בקע משקלו ושני צמידים על ידיה עשרה זהב משקלם
The gifts which Eliezer gave Rivkah Imeinu were not ordinary jewelry. They symbolized something important, a message to her concerning the destiny of her future progeny. The beka is a half-shekel, which symbolized the amount that every Jew was mandated to contribute annually towards the Bais Hamikdash. The two bracelets symbolized the two Tablets of Law, and the ten-shekel weight alluded to the Ten Commandments. The machatzis hashekel, half-shekel, contributed by all Jews, is certainly an important mitzvah, but is it on par with the Aseres HaDibros, Ten Commandment? Why did Eliezer use the half-shekel as the gift that would…