והצרוע אשר בו הנגע בגדיו יהיו פרמים וראשו יהיה פרוע ועל שפם יעתה וטמא טמא יקרא
The Yalkut Shemoni explains that the metzora calls out to others: “Tamei, impure! Tamei, impure!” so that his pain will be publicized to others. Thus, they will daven for his cure. Horav Yitzchak Zilberstein, Shlita, says that having other Jews daven for their friend in need is not simply a laudable practice, but the designated purpose in Creation. He quotes the Abarbanel who explains why the Torah commences its introduction to the Creation of the world in the third person (Bereishis bara Elokim; In the beginning of G-d’s creation…), rather than Hashem speaking in first person (Ani barasi, I created…). This…