Rashi explains that with water they thought to destroy them, and they themselves were destroyed by water. Why was Yisro worthy of having an entire parsha of the Torah named after him? What distinguished him to deserve the remarkable honor accorded him? There were men who undoubtedly were aware of Pharaoh’s terrible decree to drown the Jewish baby boys. However, it was only Yisro who was able to take two unrelated events and link them together to see their apparent relationship. He saw the punishment of “measure for measure” in Hashem’s reaction to Pharaoh’s sins. This is the distinction…
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The Chofetz Chaim applies this posuk as a lesson of the respect and reverence to be given to a Torah scholar. The Jewish people were instructed not to touch Har Sinai, due to its consecration as the place where the Torah would be given. This honor was extended to a harain, although it has no mind or feelings; how much more so should one be careful of in the respect afforded to a Torah scholar, one who has actually studied and absorbed the Torah. The Ateres Mordechai suggests a more homiletic approach. Often ulterior motives and personal interests can cloud…
Rashi explains they saw that which should be heard. There is a famous saying that “seeing is believing”. It has never been suggested that hearing is believing. One may hear a lecture and be impressed so that he is emotionally moved. However, the response will not endure. He will go back to his way of thinking and original lifestyle. Judaism must be “seen” to be believed. It is stated in Tehilim: “Taste and see that Hashem is good.” At Har Sinai the Jewish people responded with “we will do” before they said “we will listen”. It is necessary to perform,…