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בחדש הראשון בשנה השנית באחד לחדש הוקם המשכן

In the first month of the second year on the first of the month that the Mishkan was erected. (40:17)

In an earlier commentary (ibid 39:33), Rashi explains how the Mishkan was erected. Apparently, the people presented the finished components to Moshe Rabbeinu, who had not previously been involved with the actual construction of the Mishkan. Hashem had left the placement of the Mishkan, its erection, up to Moshe. The reason for this was quite simple: It was too heavy. No one was able to erect the Mishkan due to the weight of the Kerashim, beams. Moshe was able to stand them upright – by himself. How did he do it? True, he was strong, but not that strong. Moshe…

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ויעש משה ככל אשר צוה ד' אותו כן עשה

Moshe did according to everything that Hashem commanded him, so he did. (40:16)

The construction of the Mishkan was meticulously executed with perfect order as instructed by Hashem. There was no concept of approximate size. Everything was clearly delineated to Moshe Rabbeinu, and everything was followed precisely as ordered. The Alter, zl, m’Kelm, Horav Simchah Zissel Broide, quotes the Talmud Chullin 18a in which Chazal state, “If there would be a blemish/imperfection in the Mizbayach (even) like (that of) a hair breadth, it would abrogate the kedushah, sanctity, of the Mikdash.” As a result, none of the wondrous miracles that were manifest on a regular basis in the Bais Hamikdash would have occurred. …

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ויהי בחודש הראשון בשנה השנית באחד לחודש הוקם המשכן

And it was, in the first month of the second year, on the first of the month, the Mishkan was erected. (40:17)

Sefer Shemos is described by the Ramban as Sefer HaGeulah, the Book of Redemption. All that is contained therein is geulah-related. From the very beginning, when the Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians; to their liberation; followed by the splitting of the Red Sea; and the receiving of the Torah: all led up to the construction of the Mishkan for the purpose of Hashroas HaShechinah, establishing a resting place for the Divine Presence. Sefer Vayikra is where the avodah, ritual service, performed in the Mishkan is mentioned. Therein the various Korbanos, sacrificial offerings, are detailed. It is, therefore, surprising that…

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וירא משה את כל המלאכה והנה עשו אתה כאשר צוה ד' כן עשו

Moshe saw the entire work, and behold! They had accomplished it; as G-d had commanded, so they had done. (39:43)

The term eved Hashem, servant of Hashem, is one which is not to be taken lightly. Indeed, this is the appellation by which our quintessential leader and Rebbe of all Klal Yisrael is identified: Moshe, eved Hashem. What is the meaning of this unique term? In his commentary to the above pasuk, Horav S. R. Hirsch, zl, writes, “Moshe inspected all of the work that had been completed, and he observed that the work bore two distinct characteristics, two hallmarks which stood out above the various other attributes. First, Asu osah, “It was they who had done it.” Every aspect…

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וירא משה את כל המלאכה והנה עשו אתה כאשר צוה ד' כן עשו ויברך אתם משה

Moshe saw the entire work, and behold! They had done it as Hashem had commanded, so had they done, and Moshe blessed them. (39:43)

The construction of the Mishkan was concluded: its various vessels and utensils were completed; the Bigdei Kodesh, Holy (Priestly) Vestments, were finished. They now brought it all before Moshe Rabbeinu to seek his blessing. Everything had been executed according to the precise instruction that he had given them. Moshe was impressed, and he gave them his blessing. He said, “Yehi ratzon, May it be the will of Hashem, that the Shechinah rest upon the work of your hands.” One might think that he has achieved success, but, without the blessing, Shechinah b’maasei yedeichem, “The Divine Presence resting on the work…

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אלה פקודי המשכן משכן העדות

These are the reckonings of the Mishkan, the Mishkan of Testimony. (38:21)

Rashi notes the juxtaposition of Mishkan/Mishkan, which he explains refers to the two Temples which were taken from us. In a play on words, the word Mishkan is pronounced Mashkon, which is a pledge, collateral, security. This suggests that the two Temples/Mishkanos were taken as collateral for Klal Yisrael’s sins. At the time in which we will sincerely repent, they will be returned to their former glory. It seems strange that the destruction of the Batei Mikdash is alluded to specifically at the juncture that the Torah addresses the completion of the Mishkan’s construction. Surely, there could be another, more…

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ויקם את החצר סביב למשכן ולמזבח... ויכל משה את המלאכה ויכס הענן את אהל מועד וכבוד ד' מלא את המשכן

He erected up the courtyard all around the Mishkan and the Mizbayach… And Moshe completed the work. The cloud covered the Ohel Moed, and the glory of Hashem filled the Mishkan. (40:33, 34)

Ramban addresses the reason Sefer Shemos concludes with the subject of the Mishkan, when, in fact, it is addressed earlier in Parshios Terumah and Tetzaveh. He explains that Sefer Shemos is referred to as the Sefer HaGeulah, Book of Redemption. It is the book that relates how Hashem came to His close nation and redeemed them from the pain and misery of the Egyptian bondage. Although they were no longer under the thumbscrews of their Egyptian masters, they were still in exile, in the sense that, until they would return to their place and come back to the level of…

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ויכס הענן את אהל מועד וכבוד ד' מלא את המשכן... כי ענן ד' על המשכן יומם ואש תהיה לילה בו לעיני כל בית ישראל

The cloud covered the Ohel Moed , and the glory of Hashem filled the Mishkan…For the cloud of Hashem would be on the Mishkan by day, and the fire would be on it at night, before the eyes of all the House of Yisrael. (40:34,38)

The Mishkan served a unique function. As the Sanctuary in the wilderness and the forerunner of the Bais HaMikdash, it served as the focal point of Jewish life in the wilderness and, later, in the Promised Land. The Mishkan announced to the world that Hashem had forgiven Klal Yisrael for their participation in the sin of the Golden Calf. It declared that His Divine Presence rested among us. It was the spiritual, inspirational hub around which the life of the Jew was bound up. It was the place where the Divine Service was carried out, and it was a tent…

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“These are the reckonings of the Mishkan.” (38:21)

The accounting of how the various donated materials were used for the Mishkan takes up a significant place in our parsha. Every detail, every amount, is reckoned and accounted for. Horav Moshe Feinstein, z.l., feels that the concept of a reckoning applies equally to every aspect of our lives at every moment of our existence. Just as the artisans were to account for their use of every ounce of material in their possession, so, too, must we be able to give an accounting for the wonderful “materials” and bounty that Hashem has given us. If we think about it, this…

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“Betzalel… made/did all that Hashem commanded Moshe.” (38:22)

Rashi cites an interesting dialogue that took place between Moshe Rabbeinu and Betzalel. Moshe had instructed Betzalel to fashion the Aron Ha’kodesh and then make the Mishkan. Betzalel questioned the sequence, “Should one first make the furniture and then construct the edifice which will contain them?” Moshe responded, “Your name, Betzalel, means b’tzel Keil, in the shadow of G-d. Surely, you must have been standing in the shadow of G-d, for that is what Hashem commanded me.” The commentators perceive Moshe’s response to mean that Betzalel grasped Hashem’s command accurately. This would imply that Moshe Rabbeinu who was surely greater…

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