וזאת תורת המנחה
In Parashas Vayikra, the Torah addresses the laws of the Korban Minchah. The Torah (2:1) begins the laws of Korban Minchah with a word not used regarding any of the other korbanos nedavah, voluntary offerings: Nefesh, soul (v’nefesh ki sakriv). Rashi explains that, concerning a Korban Minchah, the Torah makes an exception, since this inexpensive korban is usually the offering which a poor man brings. Hashem says, “I will regard it (the korban of an ani, poor man) as if he had offered his very soul. Concerning the Korban Minchah, Chazal (Menachos 110a) teach, Echad ha’marbeh v’echad ha’mamit, ubilvad she’yichavein…