ויקחו אליך פרה אדומה תמימה
The Aderes Elyahu cites a yalkut that posits, Parah zu Yisrael; “Parah (Adumah), this is Yisrael.” Apparently, Chazal identify a metaphysical connection between the Parah Adumah and the Jewish People. Horav Mordechai Ilan, zl (Mikdash Mordechai), observes that Klal Yisrael demonstrated their spiritual mettle when they stood by Har Sinai and proclaimed, Naaseh v’nishma; “We will do and we will listen.” Hashem offered the Torah, with all of its qualities and demands, to which we committed ourselves without question. Hashem had previously offered this gift to the other nations, who had rejected it. They felt that the Torah’s demands did…