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“Remember what Hashem your G-d did to Miriam on the way as you came forth from Egypt.” (24:9)

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Rashi explains that Miriam’s punishment serves as a model for us to use to admonish others not to speak Lashon Hora. “Do not speak Lashon Hora or you will be punished with tzaraas just like Miriam”, is the warning according to Rashi. Upon reviewing the commentary of Yonasan ben Uziel, we note an interesting interpretation of Miriam’s sin. He writes that we should warn others not to be unduly suspicious of other people’s actions, as Miriam’s suspicions of Moshe were groundless. This indicates that Miriam’s sin was not in slandering Moshe; it began much earlier with her spurious suspicions. This idea implies that, at least according to the Targum Yonasan, it is prohibited even to suspect someone of a wrongdoing.

We suggest that suspicion is a component of Lashon Hora. First, we incorrectly suspect – this suspicion grows in our minds; then, we “share” our feelings with others. Perhaps, if we view those around us in a positive light, the path towards slander and hatred would have no place to begin.


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