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“And Hashem spoke to Moshe in the wilderness of Sinai.” (1:1)

Chazal note an integral relationship between the “midbar,” wilderness, and the Torah. Much of the Torah’s narrative takes place in the wilderness. The Torah itself was given in the wilderness, a point which Chazal emphasize frequently. It is, therefore, appropriate that the Torah reading immediately prior to Shavuos, the festival of the giving of the Torah, is Parashas Bamidbar. Chazal suggest many explanations for this connection. Horav S.R. Hirsch, z.l., expresses a simple, but profound, idea regarding the Torah’s ideology in forming the framework of each Jew individually and Klal Yisrael as a unified entity. Hashem chose the barren, free…

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“And Nadav and Avihu died before Hashem when they offered a strange fire … and they had no children.” (3:4)

The Midrash states that had Nadav and Avihu taken wives and had children, they would not have died. The Chasam Sofer explains that innocent children have the need to receive proper guidance from their parents. It would, therefore, have been in the children’s merit that Hashem would have granted the parents life. Chazal, however, state other reasons for Nadav and Avihu’s tragic deaths. Two reasons which are emphasized are: Nadav and Avihu’s entrance into the Mikdash after having drunk wine; and their inappropriate rendering of a halachic decision in the presence of Moshe, their rebbe. These latter two reasons do…

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“And Moshe counted them according to Hashem’s word.” (3:16)

Horav Moshe Swift, z.l., notes a disparity between the census of Bnei Yisrael and that of Bnei Levi. Bnei Yisrael were counted from age twenty and over, thereby facilitating an easy count. Bnei Levi, who were counted from age one month upwards, demanded a more difficult count. The Midrash emphasized this by noting that Moshe asked, “How can I enter their tents to determine the number of babies in each family?” Hashem responded, “You do your share, and I will do mine.” The Midrash continues that Moshe stood at the doorway of each tent. The Shechinah preceded him, and a…

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“These things are the burden of the Bnei Kehas.” (4:15)

The Midrash illustrates the moral superiority of the Leviim by citing the difference between the footwear each wore. While members of the other tribes wore sandals, the Leviim who were responsible for carrying the Mishkan and its vessels, walked barefoot. Chazal also observe that the virtuous Bnei Kehas, the actual transporters of the Aron, walked backward, so that they did not turn their back on the Aron. This Midrash demands explanation. While walking barefoot and backward are noble ways to express reverence to the Aron, these acts do not demonstrate the Leviim’s unique virtue. In order to clarify this Midrash,…

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“And they gathered the entire nation on the first of the second month… according to the number of names.” (1:18)

Moshe is enjoined to take a census of Bnei Yisrael by counting the “number of names.” Ramban explains that the concept of counting the “number of names” is specifically emphasized in order to preserve the honor and dignity of each individual Jew. It would have been easier for each head of household to provide the number of children in his family. This would have denied the individual, however, his opportunity to pass before Moshe to receive his due honor. The census has a practical purpose, to count a nation’s population. The most efficient method is to gather together the data…

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“Count the children of Levi… every male from the age of one month and above.” (3:15)

The Leviim were an exception to the rule that men below the age of twenty were not counted in the census. Hashem instructed Moshe to count the male members of the tribe of Levi from the age of one month, since prior to thirty days old an infant’s viability is uncertain. The distinction between the tribe of Levi and the other tribes is notable. Why were the infants of the Leviim counted, despite their inability to perform any type of service? The commentators offer various reasons. We suggest that the Leviim serve as the paradigm of the individual who devotes…

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“All that were numbered of the Leviim, whom Moshe and Aharon numbered… All the males from a month old and upward, were twenty two thousand.” (3:39)

Ramban takes note of the fact that the members of the tribe of Levi were fewer than the other tribes in number. Although they had been counted from the age of a month old and above (unlike the other tribes who were counted only from the age of twenty years and over), they still numbered only twenty two thousand. It is astonishing that Hashem’s servants and pious devotees should not be blessed to the extreme that the rest of the people were. Ramban suggests that this is a confirmation of Chazal’s statement in Midrash Tanchuma that the tribe of Levi…

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“And the charge of Elazer the son of Aharon the Kohen, shall be the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the Tamid meal offering, and the anointing oil, the charge of all the Mishkan. And of all that is therein over the Mishkan and over its vessels.” (4:16)

The Midrash notes that while Elazar was appointed overseer of Bnei Kehas, he personally transported the heavy articles mentioned in the above pasuk. There is a difference of opinion among the commentators whether Elazer was very strong or whether this was a miraculous feat. The Midrash also emphasizes Elazar’s self-effacing attitude. Despite his inherent right as Aharon’s son to delegate the transport of these articles to others, Elazer took upon himself to perform this relatively menial service personally. This Midrash teaches a valuable lesson, especially for those who are involved in leadership roles. One who has responsibility should not merely…

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“And Hashem spoke to Moshe in the wilderness of Sinai.” (1:1)

One of the words at the start of this parsha – “Bamidbar” (in the wilderness) – serves as the name of both the parsha and the fourth of the five Chumashim. Much of the Torah’s narrative takes place in the wilderness, and there Klal Yisroel received the Torah. Indeed, Chazal see an integral connection between the wilderness and the Torah. It is appropriate that this parsha is traditionally read on the Shabbos preceding the Yom Tov of Shavuos. We will therefore, state some of the approaches necessary for the proper and successful study of Torah. The Midrash states that the…

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“On the first day of the second month in the second year of their exodus from the land of Egypt.” (1:1)

After the Bnei Yisroel received the Torah, only then does the posuk emphasize the specific time that they accepted it. Why is this? Isn’t the Torah above and beyond the limitations of time? The physical limitations of time and place do not play any role and place no restrictions on the performance of Torah and mitzvos. There is however, a lesson regarding our relationship with the Torah which is taught here. Although the Torah transcends the physical realm of time, it should not be viewed as an abstract entity which has no real application in our day and age. The…

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